About Tepe

Vacation apartment

The purpose of a vacation apartment is to provide travelers with temporary accommodation that offers...

Capital investment

The attractiveness of Turkey as an investment depends on various factors, and these can change ...

Living in old age

There are various reasons why older people often wish to live in the south.For us, the three ...

Second home

There are various reasons why someone might consider a second home.Our tip is that with a second home ...

About Tepe

Tepe, one of the distinct areas of Alanya, is a neighborhood located in the inner part of the city and usually inhabited by locals. This area has a quieter and more local atmosphere, a little further away from the main tourist areas of Alanya.

Tepe generally reflects a quieter lifestyle as it is located a little further inland than the crowded coastal areas of Alanya. Although it is close to the city center, it may have less tourist density as it is away from the tourist areas.

The neighborhood offers amenities such as grocery stores, small shops and local restaurants to meet the basic needs of daily life. Residents generally maintain a more local and traditional lifestyle.

The hill may be a preferred location for those seeking a quieter and more local environment away from the crowds on the coastline. However, it is always better to get the most up-to-date information from local sources as the neighborhood’s characteristics and location may change over time.

Vacation Apartment

The purpose of a vacation apartment is to provide travelers with temporary accommodation that offers more freedom, flexibility and often a cheaper alternative to hotels.

Our tip is to choose apartments in a large complex, where the services of the complex are as good as in a hotel and you still have the advantages of private accommodation, so free choice so to speak.


Here are some reasons why people choose vacation apartments:

  • Independence and privacy: vacation rentals usually offer more privacy and independence compared to hotels. Travelers can use the space as their own home, with separate living and sleeping areas, kitchen and even a private bathroom.
  • Cost savings: vacation rentals can be less expensive, especially for groups or families, as they often have a flat rate per unit rather than per person like hotels.
  • Cooking facilities: Most vacation rentals have a fully equipped kitchen, which allows guests to prepare their own meals. This can lead to additional savings as you don’t have to buy every meal in the restaurant.
  • Longer stays: Vacation rentals are often better suited for longer stays, whether on business or for an extended vacation. The ability to have your own space can make the stay more enjoyable.
  • Local experience: vacation rentals are often located in residential areas, which gives guests the opportunity to better experience local life and fit in better with the culture and community.
  • Group accommodation: vacation rentals offer space for groups, be it a family or friends traveling together. This makes it possible to spend time together while enjoying the benefits of having your own space.

So the point of a vacation rental is to offer a comfortable and flexible accommodation option that better suits the individual needs and preferences of travelers.

Capital Investment

The attractiveness of Turkey as an investment depends on various factors, and these can change over time.

We look after you from A to Z, from the first viewing to the handover, regardless of whether it is a single apartment or a complete residential complex! Our offers are risk-free and high-yielding!

Here are some reasons why investors consider Turkey an attractive investment:

  • Economic growth: Turkey has experienced impressive economic growth in recent years. Investors may want to take advantage of the opportunities associated with a growing economy.

  • Young population: Turkey has a comparatively young population, indicating the potential for a growing labor market and increasing demand for various goods and services.

  • Geographical location: Turkey has a strategically important geographical location that makes it a major trade and transportation hub between Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

  • Tourism industry: Turkey is a popular tourist destination with a rich history, cultural attractions and beautiful landscapes. The tourism industry is therefore attractive for investment, especially as tourism makes a significant contribution to the economy.

  • Infrastructure projects: Turkey has invested significantly in infrastructure projects in recent years, including roads, bridges and airports. Such investments will stimulate economic growth and create opportunities for private investors.

    Before considering any capital investment, it is advisable to carry out careful research, it is useful to consult us and assess the current economic and political situation together. It is also important to consider your own financial objectives, risk tolerance and investment strategy.

Living In Old Age

There are various reasons why older people often wish to live in the south.

For us, the three main advantages are the weather, the much better healthcare system and the fact that Turkey is a service country!

This preference for southern regions may be due to a combination of factors:

  • Pleasant climate: many southern regions have a mild or warm climate, which can be particularly beneficial for older people with health problems, such as joint pain or respiratory problems. The warm weather can also help people to be more active and generally happier.

  • Health reasons: Some older people move to regions with a mild climate because they believe it can have positive effects on their health. For example, sunshine and pleasant temperatures can help regulate vitamin D levels.

  • Quality of life: The south can offer a high quality of life, often characterized by a relaxed atmosphere, beautiful landscapes and cultural attractions. This can be attractive to many older people who want to enjoy their retirement in pleasant surroundings.

  • Active lifestyle: In many southern regions, there are a variety of outdoor activities that can be enjoyed all year round. This can help older people maintain a more active lifestyle, which in turn is beneficial to their health and well-being.

  • Community and social ties: The South is often known for its friendly communities. Older people often value the sense of community, neighborly support and social ties that can often be stronger in southern regions.

  • Retirement communities: Many southern states have specialized retirement communities designed to meet the needs of the elderly. These communities often offer amenities, healthcare services and activities that cater to the needs of the elderly.

It is important to note that retirement preferences are individual, and not every older person prefers the South. Some like the amenities and cultural diversity of urban areas, while others appreciate the tranquility and nature of rural areas. It very much depends on personal preferences, health status and individual life goals.

Second Home

There are various reasons why someone might consider a second home.

Our tip is that with a second home you should always think about a possible resale, from our point of view a second home is a mixture of vacation home and capital investment.

 Here are some possible motives:

  • Working conditions: A second home may be necessary if someone works in two different cities or regions due to work commitments. This could be the case for project work, relocation or temporary assignments, for example.

  • Studies: Students may have a second home close to their university or college in order to access the campus more easily and participate in the social life of the university community.

  • Family matters: Sometimes a second home is chosen to be closer to family or a partner, especially if life circumstances have changed and you live in different cities or countries.

  • Quality of life: Some people choose a second home in a place that suits their personal preferences or offers a higher quality of life. This could be linked to climatic conditions, recreational opportunities or proximity to nature.

  • Real estate investments: A second home can also be seen as an investment. Some people buy a second home as a vacation home or as an investment.

  • Urban-rural relationship: In relationships where partners live in different places, a second home can help to maintain the relationship if it is not possible to live in the same place all the time.

  • Cultural or professional interests: People who are interested in the arts, culture or certain professional opportunities might have a second home in a city or region that better suits their interests.

It is important to note that the decision for a second home depends on personal circumstances, preferences and professional requirements. However, there are also practical and financial considerations that should be taken into account in relation to maintaining a second home, including housing costs, travel expenses and potential tax implications.

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