24 - Montenegro

Montenegro is a country located in Southeastern Europe on the Adriatic Sea. It’s known for its rugged mountains, medieval villages, and a narrow strip of beaches along its coastline. The country offers a diverse landscape that includes the Adriatic coast, stunning mountains, and lakes.

Montenegro has a rich history, having been part of various empires and kingdoms throughout its past. It gained independence from Serbia in 2006 and has since developed its tourism industry, attracting visitors with its natural beauty and historical sites.

The Bay of Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is famous for its stunning fjord-like appearance and medieval towns. Podgorica serves as the capital city, while other notable places include Budva, known for its beaches and vibrant nightlife, and Durmitor National Park, offering scenic landscapes and outdoor activities.

Montenegro is also becoming recognized for ecotourism, offering opportunities for hiking, skiing, and exploring its diverse natural environments.

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